Privacy statement

This is how we process your personal data
Protecting your privacy is important to Technopolis, so we only request your data when it is necessary for our operations and for achieving our mission. For processing your data there are 4 main principles:
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Would you like to buy tickets or get a membership, relive your visit to Technopolis, take part in a competition or receive newsletters? We need your data in order to provide these services. We use your data in order to improve our services.


We inform you in a timely and transparent manner regarding the data we collect, what we use it for, on which grounds we process it and how long we store your data for.


Your personal data’s security is very important to us. We store your data in a safe place and we only work with companies that can fully guarantee the security of your data.


You remain the boss of your data. You can opt out of any communication from Technopolis and you can always request to update your data and if necessary delete it.

Who is responsible for collecting and processing your data?

Technopolis NV, with corporate headquarters in Technologielaan, 2800 Mechelen and business registration no. 0461.430.087. You can also contact us via dpo@​technopolis.​be.

Why do we collect data and on which grounds do we do it?

In order to provide our (personalised) services

We need your data in order to provide our services. This is the case

  • if you make a reservation over the telephone or via the website for a class visit, a group visit or a birthday party;
  • if you sign up over the telephone or via the website for the TechniekClub, summer camp, workshop or reading;
  • if you fill in a satisfaction survey online;
  • if you sign up online to receive our newsletter;
  • if you buy a ticket online;
  • if you end a membership online or at the counter. Then we ask for your data in order to create a membership;
  • If you sign up on one of the RFID installations during your visit (most of our interactive installations are equipped with RFID technology) so that after your visit we can send you all the results and audio-visual material via an email link. This can be done through a MyTechnopolis-page, which is only accessible in this way;
  • If you take part in a competition or promotion, we reach an agreement. We request your data in order to prevent fraud and in order to contact you when you have won a prize;

In order to post customised advertisements

With so-called advertising cookies for AdWords Remarketing, Facebook Remarketing, LinkedIn Website Retargeting, Twitter Remarketing and Remarketing through Google Analytics for Display Advertising and related web technologies, your browsing behaviour on websites and apps can be followed and a profile can be drawn up from your preferences. That’s why you can see advertisements for Technopolis on other websites or receive other browsers with a similar profile, as well as seeing advertisements from Technopolis. For Technopolis, this is an important way of using our advertising budget in the most effective way possible in the general interest of fulfilling our assignment.

We will always request your permission to offer you customised advertisements. This can be done via cookie settings when you visit our website, or you can also find it here and you can change the settings as you wish. In the section How can I give or withdraw approval for installing cookies?’ You can withdraw your approval. More information regarding the tools used and which personal data is collected, can be found here under the title Other kinds of Cookies or external parties which install Cookies’ > Remarketing and behaviour orientated advertising’.

In order to send our newsletter

Do you want to be the first to hear about our new, cool exhibits, workshops, promotions and competitions? Then you can sign up online for our newsletter and you’ll always be the first to hear about what’s going on at Technopolis. If we have also received your personal data in order to offer our (personalised) services (see above), we also use these to send you our newsletter after your visit. We may also use your data to adapt the newsletter to your interests, such as when you work for the media. Have you had enough of our news updates? Then you can always, easily unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every newsletter in your mailbox. For this reason, Technopolis in the principle of legitimate interest, will send you the newsletter as soon as your personal data has been received, until you unsubscribe.

In order to take audio-visual recordings

Some of our installations can take audio-visual recordings of you which will be sent to you via MyTechnopolis, if we have your approval to do so. There could also be recordings taken during shows, demos, workshops or events. This material can be used for promotional purposes on our website and social media feeds. When you are explicitly in the image, we will let you know as soon as possible. Furthermore, we will still ask for your permission before we purposefully use your audio-visual material.

For statistical purposes

We use your data for statistical purposes, in order to analyse and improve the use and the functionality of our services (specifically for the website). The statistical tools that we use are Google Analytics, Hotjar and Facebook Ads conversion tracking. In addition, data helps us to find out what content is the most interesting for our users, and so we can improve what we offer and also make it more relevant in the context of achieving our mission.

In order to track and investigate misuse

We use data to safeguard against destruction or to prevent and to track misuse, such as fraud of a membership or tickets bought online. In addition, video recordings in publicly available spaces can be used for this purpose. This happens on the basis of a legitimate interest or a legal basis in order to fulfil our mission.

In order to send a survey

If we have also received your personal data in order to offer our (personalised) services (see above), we also use these to send you a survey after your visit. We do this so that we can continue to improve the services we provide. It is all thanks to your opinion that we can give our services and offers a new boost.

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What data does Technopolis collect from me?

We mainly collect identification data from you, which you share with us if you make a reservation or you fill in any kind of form concerning our services, or you identify yourself via the RFID installations where this personal data is used to create a personal results page on www​.MyTechnopolis​.be. Identification data is first name, age, address and telephone number. You can also share electronic contact information with us (e.g. email address).

After your visit, you can find the results from your experiments on your personal My Technopolis page. The results can be scores, but at some interactive installations there could also be sound recordings or photos taken of you. This material is saved and its purpose is to allow you to relive your visit to Technopolis in a unique and pleasant way and to inform you after your visit of the results you achieved at the various installations. If you visit Technopolis again later and you use the same personal data, then the results from this visit can be added to your personal My Technopolis page. You’re free to leave certain or all fields blank but your results will not be saved.

In addition, we collect data concerning the use of our website. Cookies and pixels or similar techniques are used to do this. The data we collect in this manner, are log file data and device data, such as an IP address and pages visited or information about your device’s brand, type and browser. When possible, this information is kept anonymous, so that we only approximately know where you are visiting our website from, because this is not relevant for Technopolis.

Where do my data come from?

We collect data:

  • From you directly, when you visit our website, make a reservation or place orders on our website or if you fill in a form, if you identify yourself via RFID installations or if you use our public Wi-Fi network.
  • From social network websites, when you give us permission and your personal settings on the social network in question allow it.

Are my personal data securely stored?

We do everything within our power to ensure that your data is protected in the best way possible. We use state-of-the-art security technology and measures in order to protect your data from loss and we demand the same from our service providers. We regularly evaluate the protection equipment used in order to protect our systems in the best way possible against any kind of data loss or unauthorised access.

What about data from minors?

Many of Technopolis’ visitors are within the age range of 4 to 104. A target group par excellence for the diffusion of our message is the category of minors, which in the context entails children younger than 13 years old. This legislation regarding forbids collecting data from minors without explicit approval from parents or guardians. That’s why, at the RFID installations (where results can be recorded and then later put on your personal MyTechnopolis page) we ask for an age before data can be entered. This is also only legally permissible if a parent or guardian is present when registering the RFID band, with which the results become coupled. This prior consent will explicitly be requested when registering your personal data at the first installation equipped with a RFID reader.

Another situation is school visits and accompanying e‑rallies, whereby minors in classrooms try out certain installations and then individual results are collected from the whole class. Technopolis does not collect any data from minors under the age of 13, unless the parents or guardians have given their permission to do so. For the use of RFID bands in a class visit to Technopolis, for which an email address needs to be entered (via e‑rally or a free visit to the installation), Technopolis assumes that the approval was arranged by the school’s privacy policy and that the school in question took the necessary measures prior to the visit in order to comply with this data collection. When making a reservation as a school, the school will clearly be made aware of this.

In addition, for the use of the RFID bans during a group visit to Technopolis, that is not school related, for example, birthday parties or family visits, for which an email address must be entered, we assume that the approval has been arranged with the legal representatives of the children. When making a reservation for a group visit, this will be made clear.

Technopolis strives to not collect any data from children under the age of 13. However, if it is brought to our attention that this is not the case, then we will delete this data as soon as possible.

Which third parties may receive my data?

We may transfer your data to the following kinds of recipients.

Advertising partners

In order to be able to show advertisements for Technopolis on other websites, we call on the services of Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter. We use Google AdWords Remarketing, Facebook Remarketing, LinkedIn Website Retargeting, Twitter Remarketing and Remarketing by Google Analytics for Display Advertising. These tools help us to give our advertisements a purpose. Would you like to find out more about how these tools collect data? Then you can Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter’s privacy and cookie policy here. You can find this again under the section Other kinds of Cookies or external parties which install Cookies’ > Remarketing and behaviour orientated advertising’. Via this link you can find all information concerning how you can withdraw your approval for collecting cookies. You can find this again in the section How can I give or withdraw approval for installing cookies?’

Social media providers

Via our website, you may be redirected to social network websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or Snapchat. With the well-known buttons, you can share information on these platforms. These conscious buttons are managed by the respective social media providers, and as a result sometimes cookies can also end up on your device. Technopolis does not have any control over the way that these providers use it and we suggest that you also check the privacy and cookie policy of these providers. This privacy policy from Technopolis only regulates the use of the data collected by Technopolis.

Other partners

In the context of specific collaborations regarding installations, a promotion or an event, we may share data with partners. For example, in order to use one of the cool installations where you can make a 3D print of yourself, we may give your email address to the owner of the installation. We will inform you regarding this in a timely manner and separately, so that it is clear to you that your data will be shared in such cases. Furthermore, these partners may only use this data for predetermined objectives and only as long as it is necessary within the collaboration.

Service providers

We share your data with service providers whom we rely upon for the implementation of our assignment. This could include supportive services such as for IT or cloud storage, managing mailing lists, reducing surveys or performing payment transactions (for online purchases). The service providers gain access to certain data and to information related to their assignment. They are never allowed to use your data for their own purposes.

Other countries

Some service providers have corporate headquarters in countries outside the EEA (European Economic Area) and they can store or process your data on their own servers. Technopolis only works with service providers that guarantee the same privacy protection via binding agreements as apply to residents of the EEA.

Government and authorities

We can share your data with the government and authorities if we are legally obliged to do so, or in the case of misuse.

How can I access, update or delete my data?

Obviously, we ensure that in a transparent manner, it is within your rights to always see, improve or even completely delete your data. You can contact us via letter (do not forget to attach a copy of your ID card, as the law states). Or, you can also do it via email, via dpo@​technopolis.​be.

How long does Technopolis store my data?

We do not store your data any longer than is necessary for the predetermined purpose, or as long as is required by law. Results which are collected by RFID at the installations, are stored until your next visit.

If you chose to stop sharing your data with us, then we will also stop using your data. This happens, for example, when you opt out of our newsletters. We will store your data for the following two years in order to process any possible complaints. In which case, your data is archived with restricted access. After this storage period, your data will of course finally be deleted or made anonymous. 

What can I do to protect my data?

You can help us to protect your data and data of others involved by:

  • Not issuing data from minors each time you use the website and also by not issuing an email address from a minor to our installations (where appropriate). The law ensures that this can only take place with the parents or guardians approval, and you understand that we cannot verify this. This limitation also counts for schools, unless the schools’ representatives have made clear agreements with the parents or guardians of the minors that they take with them.
  • Never sending results or images from the installations to others, without asking for approval.

Who can I contact with questions or complaints about privacy?

Ask your question regarding privacy via dpo@​technopolis.​be. We do our best to try and answer your question as soon as possible.

If we cannot help you, please note that you can enter a complain to the Belgian Privacy Commission. You can find more information on their website.

Can this privacy policy change?

This privacy policy may be changed, if our services change or if it is required by the applicable law. If there are any significant changes, we will definitely inform you, and we will request your approval if we want to use your data for other purposes than the data was originally collected.

Version: July 2018